Thursday, December 6, 2007
When the internet is not a friend
Got that fixed and it was now my modem which wasn't working. It is still getting replaced which means that I still can't post frequently. My posts are piling up.
I will hopefully be back soon.
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Working 9 to 5
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Cars & Michael Schumacher

Deciding Moment
It starts with a look, sometimes with a touch
The pauses becomes longer, words become tender
Time becomes meaningful, or is it not.
Do you hesitate, or go ahead.
(Dedicated to R.A & H.Y)
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Car love overboard?
These was how it went...
A: My car is my baby.
B: So is mine, it's everything to me.
A: Do you have a name for your car?
Me & another guy (C): WHAT??!!??
B (male): Of course, I named my car Howard. My car is a guy.
A (female): My car is Ronald, he is a guy too. Male cars are definitely easier to drive.
Me: Are you guys serious??
A&B: Yeah! don't you name your car? It has feelings too you know.
Me: I have never heard that. A car is a car and I had a car which I drove every single day for years but it is still just known as my car.
A&B said to each other: Hey, our cars are parked next to each other, they are making friends now.
I looked at C.
C: I have friends who name their cars too but not me.
A: It's logical to name your car, you are with it all the time.
Me: Doesn't make sense to me.
C: Do you name your toothbrush? your toilet seat? your bed? you are with those all the time too and more than you car.
A&B: It's different!
Me thinking : It's that really different?
A said to B : Do you sometimes talk to you car too.
B: No, that's too much!
A: Well. ok. I'm stopping this. Probably freaking you guys out.
Me: Why do you talk to your car?
A: Well, sometimes in a traffic jam and it's just us. I talked to my car.
Me: Well, that's just a one sided conversation. Weird!
A: No, he replies.
This is getting weirder and weirder.
Enough said.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Good Drugs, Bad Women

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
APEC and its chaos

Sunday, September 2, 2007
Iconic views
Chifley Penrith Panthers
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Priceless moments
One of the joys of having to travel as part of your job is that you sometimes go to unusual places and might even chance upon unusual scenes or moments. This is one of them.
This was a video I took recently when I was relaxing at a local pub at the outer parts of NSW. The man who is playing the tambourine vigorously is 78 years old. His energy and flexibility is just amazing. Although he might be waking up the following day with a sore body.
Monday, August 27, 2007
Eclipse of the Moon
Friday, August 24, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Travel & Living Channel
The behaviour of some people
At the end of the day, it says a lot if you need to resort to tactics like this. Authoritarian power never win hearts and minds over, personal power does!
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
Hair salon & exorbitant prices
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Spongebob Squarepants..

Friday, August 3, 2007
What THE!!
Thursday, August 2, 2007
One of those long long days
Sunday, July 29, 2007
There are birthdays and there are birthdays~
Got me some birthday cake back in the city, as you can see, it is "Matcha" cake. Yummy~ it was good although I wish that it was a tad sweeter to satisfy that sweet tooth of mine.
I suddenly realised when i got a few peeps messaging me that I had another colleague of mine whom I've known since uni who is having a birthday + going away party tonight! I totally forgot, scrambled to organise things and arrange transport and off I go to another party.
It was funny to see when our of our workmates decided to tease this couple that was there. She started hugging the BF and not let go. Next thing you know, the GF ran over in a dash and pull them apart going "What are you guys doing!". Funny stuff!
Party ended and the few of us who felt that we needed to replenish our strength trotted off to grab a bite. By the time I got home, it was nearly 4am. There goes me trying to catch up on some well deserved sleep and rest.
Have a good weekend everyone.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows

- The epilogue does not directly state that Harry and Ginny or Ron and Hermionie are married, but Rowling confirmed that indeed they are.
- Harry and Ron are both Aurors; Harry is the department head, and Hermione is "very high up" in the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.
- At Hogwarts there is a new permanent Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher, since the jinx that Voldemort placed on this job is broken. There is also a new headmaster, as Professor McGonagall was getting too old, but Rowling did not say who either of them are.
- Rowling made a public request that anyone with advance information about the content of the last book should keep it to themselves, in order to avoid spoiling the experience for other readers. To this end, Bloomsbury invested £10M in an attempt to keep the book's contents secure until the July 21 release date.
- Arthur Levine, U.S. editor of the Harry Potter series, denied distributing any copies of Deathly Hallows in advance for press review, but two U.S. papers published early reviews anyway.
- There was speculation that some shops would break the embargo and distribute copies of the book early, as the penalty imposed for previous installments — that the distributor would not be supplied with any further copies of the series — would no longer be a deterrent.
Now if that was the embargo, I wouldn't not be selling early either as it makes sense since there are no more Harry Potter books to follow!
Price wars
In the UK, supermarket chain Asda claimed that the retail price of the book (UK£17.99: equivalent to US$37 at the time of release) was "holding children to ransom". The publisher responded by threatening to withdraw Asda's supply of the book, claiming a previously unpaid debt. Asda issued an apology and settled the debt, and its supply of the book was restored.
Asda, plus several other UK supermarkets, had already taken pre-orders for the book at a heavily discounted price. Asda then sparked a further price war two days before the book's launch by announcing they would sell it for just UK£5.00 a copy (equivalent to US$10.28 at the time of release). Tesco also lowered its price to UK£5.00, but only if customers spent another UK£50.00 in store (Asda did not impose this restriction). Morrisons lowered its price to UK£4.99; the cheapest retail price in the UK, although cash & carry chain Costco offered the book for UK£4.98.
At these prices the book is a loss
I agree, they clearly don't understand the value of reading! However, they are just looking at it from a business point of view I guess. I still believe that some things such as iconic events like this should not be messed with!
In Malaysia, a similar price war brought about controversy regarding sales of the book. Four of the biggest bookstore chains in Malaysia, MPH Bookstores, Popular Bookstores, Times and Harris, decided to pull Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows off their shelves as a protest against Tesco and Carrefour hypermarkets. The retail price of the book in Malaysia is MYR 109.90 (about GBP 16.05), while the hypermarkets Tesco and Carrefour sell the book at MYR 69.90 (about GBP 10). The move by the bookstores was seen as an attempt to pressure the distributor Penguin Books to remove the books from the hypermarkets. However,as of 24 July 2007, the price war has ended, with the 4 bookstores involved resume selling the books in their stores.
Cheap Air fares
Travel Dates Economy ClassFares From MYR 09 Sep 07 - 11 Dec 07
Kuala Lumpur - Sydney MYR488*
Sydney - Kuala Lumpur MYR488*
For my Malaysian friends, Time to come VISIT me in SYDNEY!!!!! Book your tickets on Jetstar!!!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Busy season starts...
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Happy Birthday to Mua?!
Monday, July 16, 2007
When a stroke of bad luck hits you...
Saturday, July 14, 2007
The Office Network
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Harry Potter
Friday, July 6, 2007
Delectable Cakes of Art
Let's all drool over them.... :P~
Whoosh...goes the wind

I keep this handy little widget at the side of my monitor screen that shows me the weather for the next few days. It's the first time that I see "leaves being blown by the wind' icon. That was probably something that I should have taken note of. Instead, I was thinking "Ooh. cute icon something new. I think that means that it is going to be windy"!
Boy, was it windy alright. I couldn't really tell being inside the office. Rays of sunshine peeking through the clouds, it seems to be a nice winter day that would not be too cold! Happily, a friend and I went out for a walk. We got the rays of sunshine but we also got hit by gusts of wind. I could feel myself being swept away a little at times and had to stable my footing (wearing heels did not help!). That walk turned out to be quite an interesting experience.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Sunday, July 1, 2007
Random Ingenious Slogans
Travelling along the highway on the way home. Now the car really doesn't look that ancient but it still is funny!
Friday, June 29, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Nutrient Water
This is a health drink that came onto the market recently and I was having a look at it when a friend of mine bought it to drink. There are several choices and this one is made of cranberry and grapefruits with Vitamins A,B,C,D and E included.
Now I know that you are meant to drink it as how you would with any drinks. Imagine my surprise when reading the instructions here that it instructs you to "APPLY LIBERALLY" for fast effective relief from other beverages. Wow! That is something new, a drink that is meant to be applied onto the skin rather than be sliding down your throat. What would they think of next?
Josh Groban