Weddings...they seem so far away when you're still in school and all you want to do is meeting people and clubbing and having fun!
I have no pre-conceived notions about getting married soon, less so a wedding! However, I still want to wish all my friends a very happy marital bliss and would love to attend their wedding. Having moved past a quarter of a century in terms of age, now seems to be the time when friends around me are starting to tie the knot. Alas, due to me being in a foreign country, I have yet to attend any of my friends' wedding which I sometimes whinge about. Teehee!
Especially when my younger friends are attending weddings and being bridesmaid left, right and centre. It costs me to start thinking about what about my friends? Are we all so happy with being happy and free and going about with our lives?
Anyway, enough about my laments and thoughts. I have a friend's wedding to attend next week (finally, although I knew her through work, uni friends: what is happening with you guys?) and do quite look forward actually.

First thing was to get a present. A bunch of us waited till the weekend before to check out her bridal registry list so no surprise that there wasn't much remaining. I was happily browsing all the kitchen stuff (I am delighted regardless of whether I'm looking at clothes or electronics or kitchenware)! Ha!
My guy friend had to start hinting that "You know, guys don't really like shopping for this stuff" to bring me back to earth and concentrate on the task at hand. We finally settled on a nice healthy gadget which I hope the bride and bridegroom will like.
Next came our dilemma on what to wear to a wedding church and dinner. With most of us being wedding guests virgins, we were all discussing on wardrobes for both the men and ladies.
Here comes my problem. Having browsed through all my dresses, they are all BLACK!
Although the bride graciously said that there are no taboos and we can wear any colour we want, I am still skeptical about wearing black.
Although the bride graciously said that there are no taboos and we can wear any colour we want, I am still skeptical about wearing black.
I have no idea what to wear now and with 6 days to go, I better start doing some fast searching.
Honestly, I LUV Jamie and Gordon and Nigella. But imagine your chef husband-to-be asking you to wear THIS??
Anyway, back to getting a dress. I came across some nice ones.

Is this a little too corporate looking?
If only I had the height, sigh~
I quite like this one, I have one like this but it's BLACK!
I think I just found THE website, they have some amazing dresses. But with only a week to go, I doubt I can get anything from here.

Aren't they amazing? For those who have time, this is their website.

I think I just found THE website, they have some amazing dresses. But with only a week to go, I doubt I can get anything from here.

Aren't they amazing? For those who have time, this is their website.