Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Which Disney Princess are you?

Sunday, May 13, 2007
It's Time...
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Does Love really change you? Or is it meant to...

Does love or being with another person really change you?

What do you do when there are too many!
Monday, May 7, 2007
Khalil Fong...HK's version of Jay Chou?

Saturday, May 5, 2007
Airport Rewards

Friday, May 4, 2007
Quote of the day
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Tea Ceremony
While I was on Kyoto, my sis and I got a chance to experience one of these tea ceremony where we will be taught the ritual. If you are in Kyoto, go to the Gion Corner if you want to experience one of these classes.
We started out with all the utensils being placed like this.
It is time to whisk away with the whisk and believe me, I was whisking away like crazy but somehow couldn't seem to whisk it the right way. Most of us in the class had to have the Japanese Lady whisking for us instead. After successfully whisking, the picture above shows how the texture is meant to be like.
After that, you can take one of the sweets on the right corner of the picture and eat it after which you drink the tea. That way, the bitterness of the tea is slightly sweetened. Why would the tea be bitter? That is because of the amount of water that was placed into the bowl is quite little, thus the green tea is highly concentrated!
The weird thing was, the Japanese lady asked us after the class where we were all from and every single person on my table was from Australia. Freaky!
Just My Luck!
When the next bus arrive, I happily trotted on board. However, while the bus was going along the highway, the engine started to make weird noises and the bus just suddenly couldn't seem to take the weight and was really slow.
The bus ended up starting and stalling, starting and stalling in the middle of the highway while I can see cars zooming past us.
We must have been a funny sight to the other cars but it was so not amusing to the rest of us who are actually in the bus. Especially when everyone is trying to get home for dinner!
There was a collective sigh from the passengers when the bus finally heave its last breath and stopped!
The bus driver managed to revive some life back with some CPR and I finally managed to reach my stop to get off, but that wasn't before a later bus went past us though!
Sigh..I ended up getting home later than usual even though I left earlier.