History has always been one of my weaker subjects and what pops into my head when Boston is mentioned is the Boston Tea Party. This obviously changed since exploring the city.
Here are some interesting pictures.

Click here for more photos and here for food.
1. It is highly walkable and armed with a good guidebook or research done. You can see everything by foot and public transport.
2. If you are with family and elders, opt for the Duck Trolley Tours. One whole round takes 2.5 hours and covers more stuff and local insights then a book or the Freedom Trail would give you. It is better value in the summer as $36 per person gives you a free harbour cruise as well.
3. The Freedom Trail should be the first point of action. It gives a good and brief guide to the history and brings you through streets that you normally wouldn't venture to. Gives good insight to the feel of the neighbourhoods. Try not to do this on a Monday as a number of sights are closed.
4. Free tours of Harvard Square are at 10am, 12pm and 2pm starting at the visitor information kiosk.
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