It's now nearly 4am in the morning and I have decided to stop tossing and turning in bed and try to do something more constructive with my time.
So here I the blogosphere writing a post about it instead.
What is troubling me so?
Well...after being in Sydney for a week, my love for Sydney crept up to me and I am suddenly missing it even more. Before I left for the harsh shores of London, I sometimes get a bit bored here and wanted to do something different in my life.
Living in London has only made me realised how much we have it great going on here. Don't get me wrong, London is a fantastic place but there are so many little things and comforts that increase our quality of life that Sydney and Australia is able to offer. The culture, the open friendliness, the food (don't get me started)!.
I guess knowing that I have to leave in a few days creates a sadness in my heart and a heavy weariness to my feet.